Atlanta Motor Speedway Seating Chart: Get Ready For An Exciting Race Day Experience

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Are you ready for a thrilling race day experience at the Atlanta Motor Speedway? If yes, then you must be curious about the seating arrangement and the view from each seat. In this article, we will provide you with detailed information about the Atlanta Motor Speedway seating chart, the prices of the tickets, and our recommendations to make the most of your race day experience.

The Atlanta Motor Speedway Seating Chart

The Atlanta Motor Speedway has a seating capacity of 125,000, and it offers a variety of seating options for race fans. The seating chart is divided into four main areas:

1. Champions Grandstand

The Champions Grandstand is located on the front stretch of the track and offers a panoramic view of the entire race. The seats are comfortable and have cup holders, and the ticket prices range from $99 to $199.

2. Earnhardt Grandstand

The Earnhardt Grandstand is located in turn 1 and offers a great view of the cars entering and exiting the turn. The ticket prices range from $79 to $159.

3. Elliott Grandstand

The Elliott Grandstand is located in turn 3 and offers a great view of the cars as they exit turn 2 and enter turn 3. The ticket prices range from $79 to $159.

4. Petty Grandstand

The Petty Grandstand is located on the backstretch of the track and offers a great view of the cars as they speed down the straightaway. The ticket prices range from $49 to $129.

Seating Chart Comparison

To make it easier for you to compare the seating options, we have created a table that shows the prices and the view from each grandstand.
GrandstandPrice RangeView
Champions$99-$199Panoramic view of the entire race
Earnhardt$79-$159View of cars entering and exiting turn 1
Elliott$79-$159View of cars exiting turn 2 and entering turn 3
Petty$49-$129View of cars speeding down the backstretch

Our Recommendations

Now that you have a better idea of the seating options, it's time to make our recommendations. If you want the best view of the entire race, we recommend the Champions Grandstand. The panoramic view is worth the price, and you won't miss any of the action. If you want a great view of the cars entering and exiting turn 1, we recommend the Earnhardt Grandstand. You'll be able to see the cars up close as they navigate the turn. If you're a fan of the Elliott family, we recommend the Elliott Grandstand. You'll have a great view of the cars as they exit turn 2 and enter turn 3, and you'll be sitting in a grandstand named after one of the greatest families in NASCAR history. If you're on a budget, we recommend the Petty Grandstand. While you won't have the best view of the entire race, you'll still be able to see the cars speeding down the backstretch, and you'll save money on your ticket.


The Atlanta Motor Speedway offers a variety of seating options for race fans, and each grandstand has its own unique view of the race. We hope that this article has provided you with the information you need to choose the best seat for your race day experience. Whether you choose the Champions Grandstand or the Petty Grandstand, we're sure that you'll have an exciting and memorable day at the Atlanta Motor Speedway.

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